Monday, May 31, 2010


nw at skul on blog....xD...=]
so boring....
owayz cnt on in skul de....


Saturday, April 24, 2010


today,is friday,i went 2 "se dui" in the morning....
thn at the skul,fell down whn play the bola jaring...><
after tht,do my seni...."pia pia pia"
thn came
on9 on9 til half slp jorh...xD

XiiAo Yii

Thursday, April 22, 2010

boring day

hate THUR....
bec THUR is the most text buk nid 2 take 2 skul de...
2day at skul so boring...4 a while thn pass adi><
2moro morning nid early wake up ARH~! 色队~!ARGH!
XiiAo Yii

MATHs Test...TT

ytd lerh,teacher giv we all a maths test....
i do quickly n as fast as i can bec i scare i cnt do finish...
n do do do left 1 more question,teacher say times up....many ppl r afraid...
n teacher ask we all y so 紧张....
n she said.........................................................................
2moro stil cn continue....
we all all happy kah beh si...LOL ><

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


haiyoi~y u all lik tis gerh~?say tis oso no,say tht oso no...LOL><
aiyarh~2day morning cnt on9,bec gt COMPUTER class><
2moro morning cnt on 2>thy say vr sien gerh~!!!!help me><
XiiAo Yii^^

Monday, April 19, 2010


2day nerh~
finish my LISAN....!!!!D@MMNNN H@PPY....
bt....4 get 2 early go 2 skul ><

Saturday, April 17, 2010

saw bii^^

2day after eating dinner,i saw my kor,penguine,my bii bii n many more boyz playing football while i m jogging+walking....^^ xD
